

I once saw a dream through my ambitious, eager eyes
Not the kind you see when you’re asleep, but the kind that looks like a prize
I hustled and bustled and gave it my all
But I didn’t put myself through enough fire, causing me to stumble and fall
The next time around, I felt the burn and got new scars
The outcome was surreal for I had reached the stars
The stars held my prize in their luminous lands
I fell short of words as I felt the prize in my hands
There was no set of words that could do justice to my heart
Yet I tried explaining, as if it were some form of art
My soul gushed with sunshine and my eyes shimmered silver
My nerves, amazed with the outcome, made my whole body quiver
For moments hence I did not know how to feel
A montage of imaginary places in front of me started to reel
At first I was dancing with animals in the woods
And then I was feasting on my favourite baked goods
Next I reached a valley surrounded by prettiest of the hills
And then dived into an ocean, swimming alongside the creatures with gills
Quickly these moments started spinning in my head
Soon reality struck me and I was back in my bed
Yet if asked how it feels to have the prize
I have no words, but a smile that reaches my eyes
For when your diligence pays off and your dreams come true
You must smile a little harder and move on to your next pursuit!


7 billion hearts

It’s strange how our hearts connect with so many others as life passes by
But it’s no longer strange that while some make us laugh, others make us cry
I think it’s the ones that make me cry that make my heart a little less trusting and a little more broken
And the ones that make me laugh are the reasons these words are being spoken
Those beautiful hearts dip mine in sparkling gold
They fill it with warmth, leaving no place for the cold
Nothing in life is permanent they say
Those beautiful hearts will soon walk away
But I don’t lament over the ones with whom I’ve lost touch
Instead I think about the 7 billion hearts that I haven’t met as such
I imagine some to be kind but fierce gods and goddesses
And some others a strong and caring product of broken promises
And some others bright and cheerful with the most glittering eyes
And yet some others quiet and soft-spoken but extremely wise
And while I get lost in my forest of imagination thinking about these 7 billion hearts I haven’t yet met
I will cherish the ones that once entered my life, everyday, at sunset
For every beautiful heart leaves a lasting footprint on another
For every one of these hearts has taught me to be beautiful to every other


Drop of thought

As the scorching summer comes to an end
Big shiny raindrops come to mend
The dying plants in the farmer’s field
And to wake the city that lay asleep
While in the city the hustle remains
And some people sit by their window panes
With a book in hand and hot chocolate by the side
Or lost in music in their imaginary stride
The rural populace jump up with mirth
For now there’s hope to fight the dearth
For now there’s water to quench their thirst
The raindrops are pearls that help them fight their worst
But I wonder if we all exercised caution
And built our souls with empathy and emotion
Would there be enough shade and shelter?
Or would the homeless and stray die in the pelter?
Would the rurals have to wait to meet their basic needs?
Would the farmers have to sweat to harvest new breeds?
I wonder if we all exercised caution
Would we need to be reminded to be empathetic so often?

Own Time to Shine

I was finally so happy with everything going on in my life
The most exciting news was expected and I thought it’ll soon arrive
I was pumped up with excitement and started climbing tall
I had no fear of failure, no reason to fall
Little did I know what was about to unfold
It came from a different, terrible little mould
It was dark and scary and sucked out all the happiness
This real life dementor turned everything into a mess
It locked me in a room where I’d constantly doubt myself
It sent in ghosts that made me feel stupid like no one else
It made me think that I didn’t deserve whatever I had achieved so far
That I couldn’t do anything more, I’d never be a star
Just when I was about to give in and stay locked up forever
A window appeared magically with the brightest ray of hope ever
A bunch of familiar faces stood out there
Confidence, Love, Friendship, Positivity and Care
Each one of them reached out to me and gave me a hand
They pulled me out of that room, no less than a quicksand
Breathing in the fresh air, letting the sunlight fall on my face
I realized life is not a  race, each one moves at their own pace
With this renewed thought, I’m back to the climb
I might stumble, fall, take breaks, but I’ll be there in my own time


Professor Severus Snape – A tribute to Alan Rickman

An innocent little girl in primary school
Leading a simple life and dancing around like a fool
When she was first introduced to Harry Potter
Little did she know what it would make her
As pages flipped over and chapters passed by
Love for the book and expectations grew high
The potions master became the person she hated
She had no idea it was too early for him to be rated
As years passed by and as the stories did unfold
You were introduced, your great story told
You gave better understanding of the character
Turning out to be the most loved and appreciated actor
Towards the end when things were unveiled
Your true traits, character and personality was revealed
She found the bravest man in you
A great master and a true lover too
You taught her the value of love and sacrifice
To leave past the bad and embark on being nice
She fell in love with your accent and voice
The pleasant, unforgettable to die for voice
You were the reason she fought for Snape over James
That Snape who the non understanding blames
Today when you bid her a goodbye forever
She created a spell for you as a memoir
“Greasy hear, strong black eyes
Our brave headmaster shall forever rise”
Now that you’re gone, tears roll down her cheeks
Lost in the world knowing not what she seeks
Silently crying praying for your peace
A cold rush of wind, a swift flowing breeze
Professor Severus Snape, our beloved man
We will always miss you, dear Alan Rickman!


Indian Festivals and the Environment

Indian festivals – epitome of happiness,
Lights and sweets and joy no less!
We come together and enjoy the bliss,
But it’s the environment that we miss.
While the Holi colour brings out smiles,
All the chemicals in our environment piles.
The water that you splash for fun,
Gets all wasted and it’s the devil that has won.
As happy as you get when crackers burst,
The Earth keeps crying silently amidst the lust.
The kites that fly high up in the sky,
Are the reason the little and big birds die.
However never stop enjoying the fest,
But keep in mind every aspect and do your best.
The Environment is not just your surrounding,
It’s like a baby, carrying all the burden, so fragile,
So don’t just sit back there and keep pondering,
Help our Earth, give it a hug and make it smile!


The Tiger

TIGER- National animal of our nation,
But what have we done to them, our generation?
The bold animal who once walked with attitude and pride,
No longer gets a peaceful sleep, pray or stride.
Let us stop our cruel actions and acts,
Work towards betterment keeping in mind the facts.
Go ahead, work, inspire and believe,
Let’s make a Change from this Tiger’s Day Eve 🙂


The Go Green Quest

The magnificent tree touches the sky,
The boughs spread wide and it grows even high,
The leaves shine bright and and the bark feels rough,
Its shadow soothes me & even more when times seem tough.
But sadly as humans increase their wants and cut the trees down,
Animals lose their home & the Earth is seen with a frown.
So to everyone out there this is a request,
Let’s plant trees and join the go green quest 🙂



Pull up your sleeve, tighten your sock;
Tie your laces, start to walk.
Get out the door and put a lock,
Go get running towards the dock!
Stop by a box, sit on the rock,
Open it up to find Beautiful Corks!


The Rainbow Flower

Life like a sapling did start
Soon grew like a plant with boughs apart
But not just any other plant, a unique one
With different flowers for everything said and done
The blue bloomed first and taught me to cry
The yellow grew next to help me laugh and wipe the tears dry
The orange came no later filling me with anger
With that came the violet bringing in the sadness
But soon came love jumping into my life
In the form of a red flower shining bright and alive
Together with the yellow, it fought the orange and violet
And I was ready for the game that life had let
The moment I was ready something extraordinary happened
The Rainbow Flower grew at the top like the most beautiful medal pinned
Filled with happiness, joy, sadness and love
And all other things I hadn’t felt above
That is what makes a person a human
Before life with its struggles makes him run
And now that I’m running I think and wonder
Is the rainbow flower good enough?
Or do I want to choose my own flowers
And not feel everything at once?